Fee Schedule
Departmental Searches: $425
Bankruptcy/Patriot: $60
Survey Inspection: $100
Certificate of Good Standing: $125
Franchise Tax Report: $125
Contin: $50
Overnight Delivery : $50
Escrow Service Charge: $75 Recording Service Charge: $50
POA: $125
Deed: $299
Mortgage: $295
CEMA: $360
Affidavits: $75
Assignments: $125
Satisfactions: $150
Counties outside of NYC:
POA: $250
Deed: $425
Mortgage: $360
CEMA: $395
Affidavits: $75
Assignments: $225
Satisfactions: $250
** Please note recording fees are not accurate and subject to change. The exact fees cannot be calculated unless a page count is performed.